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Above and below @ 3 years old, prior to his unexpected, untimely death.

At 2 years old, coming to greet me after I drove in/got out of my car.

Abe's new owners are Matt and Rochelle Butcher, son and daughter-in-law of Bill and DeAndre Butcher, also living in Oklahoma.
As a pup, he was a mellow-fellow and yet did not hesitate to nibble at the sheep heels at a young age of 6 weeks to "test" his natural instinctual traits.

As he's matured, he will put the neighbor's goats back where they belong when they get out; sit and watch the hole making sure they stay in until someone comes and fixes the fence.
He knows the difference between the neighbor's chickens and his own, keeping the neighbor's back where they belong.

Abe's favorite is a game of fetch......with a basketball, a deflated one.

His intense focus on his owner, waiting for the ball to be thrown.

See his pedigree HERE

All images © 2000 - Present day, Peg Egertsen.
All rights reserved